A community is known to be a group of people with certain characteristics in common. Our obvious common characteristics as a Xero community is accounting and bookkeeping, but we are bound together with endless common interests, goals, and attitudes. Although we are all different types of people with different backgrounds, we come together with much more in common than what we carry in differences:
- We want to be better.
- We want to get more clients.
- We want to make life better for people in small businesses.
- We want to learn from others.
- We want to bond with others who just get it.
Xero isn’t just a normal community and Xerocon isn’t just a normal accounting conference. Xero hosting Xerocon (for the first time in three years) will be where you get to experience the magic of community over competition coming to life. The game of stealing clients is unknown to us as we aim to bring out the best together, and the uncertainty of how to be proactive in our industry is remedied with our team, ecosystem partners, and community all in one room. After all, this is how we stand apart in making #BeautifulBusiness.
Thoughts from our community
We chat with our ambassadors Liz Mason, CEO and Founder of High Rock Accounting and Amanda Aguilliard, COO of Padgett Business Services who share some of their thoughts on what makes Xerocon so special:
What are you looking forward to the most after not seeing each other for the last three years?
Liz: “I’m looking forward to being in an environment where you can walk up to literally anyone again and just say ‘Hi’. You get a sense of how small the Xero community is, but also how international it is and how supported you can be as a partner.
Xerocon gives you the opportunity to talk to other practice owners and the vendors, and you get to have active conversations with them. Getting the face-to-face time with those people and having those conversations is amazing.”
Amanada: “Seeing each other. It’s been kind of empty the past couple of years. I mean, these are my people. Because of Xero, I’ve made my best friends in the industry.”
What makes Xerocon stand apart from other accounting conferences?
Amanda: “Xero has a really deep community of advisors and I think that kind of comes from going against the wave. When we see each other, we’re like ‘Yea, you get it too’. I remember going to my first Xerocon and I was like – this is an accounting conference? I have found my people.”
Liz: “At the end of the day it’s about client service, right? How do we serve our clients accurately, effectively, efficiently? I feel like there are many conferences out there that talk about what you should have done five years ago. Xerocon is one of the few places that you can attend and get the content of what you should be doing NOW and what you should be doing in the next few years. That to me is a giant differentiator between Xerocon and other conferences.”
Come and check out the vibe at Xerocon
So, if you’re in accounting or bookkeeping and are looking to make a difference in the lives of small businesses and the lives of people like you, we’ve got room for you. Come see us at Xerocon New Orleans on August 24-25. We really are your people.

Get your ticket today for for 20% off the standard ticket – that’s $399 for a limited time only. Current promotion ends at 11:59 pm on June 4th, 2022.