These updates have been a long time in the making. What you see on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the work that has gone on behind the scenes. We’ve rebuilt much of Quotient in a new way to make for an even faster user experience, and to provide a solid foundation for future stuff.
Below is a taste of some of the updates so far, which we hope you’ll find useful.
New Real-time ‘Active’ Status
Everyone loves being able to see when a Quote has been opened, it provides valuable insights. Well, now you can see in real-time when your customer is viewing their Quote live! This new ‘Active’ status can be seen at a glance from the Dashboard and from the Quotes screen – where there’s also a handy option to filter by ‘Active’ and ‘Unopened’ Quotes.
These new insights will give you a sense of how hot a Quote is, and will help to determine the optimal time to send a Follow-up and close the deal.

Quote Editing Refreshed
Quote editing has had a major refresh, plus a few new goodies… Duplicate Items, Adjustable Margin %, Calendar Date Picker, and more. See the full details in this blog post…

Valid Until Date (new option)
You can now opt-in to display date only, without time. If your Quotes are not so time sensitive then you may prefer this as a clearer and cleaner look. With this date-only option, Quotes expire at the start of the day (12am). This can be configured in Account Settings > Quote Defaults.
Name Change: Saved Content
Some key name changes
We’ve changed the following names of things to better reflect what they do in Quotient:
- Templates → Saved Quotes
- Price Items → Saved Price Items
- Text Items → Saved Text Items
- Items (Text or Price) → Saved Items
Update a Saved Item without affecting other Saved Quotes
Previously, when updating an Item all of your changes would affect other Saved Quotes. This was often desired, for example if you were updating your terms, you’d want the changes to affect all your Saved Quotes, wherever these terms appeared.
But sometimes you’d just want to update an Item for one particular Saved Quote, and not the others. Now, you can edit a Saved Item as a copy, via the ‘Copy and Edit as New’ option. This copies it to a new Saved Item, and won’t affect any other Saved Quotes where the original Saved Item appears.
Note: Making changes to your Saved Content will never affect any Quotes that have already been sent to customers, or to any Quotes that are in a draft state.

Search Enhancements
The search results are now much faster, and they appear instantly with each key press. When searching from the Dashboard you’ll be presented with results on the Quotes screen.
New floating Save/Menu Bar
With the new floating Save Bar it’s now much easier to save or progress to the next step, no matter where you are on the screen.
Additionally, when navigating around any standard browse screen, such as Settings, Quotes, and Contacts, the Menu Bar reappears as you scroll towards the bottom of the screen – Quotient knows that you’re more likely to need the Menu Bar here, which saves you from having to scroll back up.

New Quote Examples
We’ve rolled out 20 new industry-specific Quote Examples. Check them all out and get inspired.We hope you enjoy these updates. For full details, see the Release Notes.We hope you enjoy these updates. For full details, see the Release Notes.

We hope you enjoy these updates. For full details, see the Release Notes.