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New in Calxa: KPIs as Rows in your Reports

November 24, 2022

This article originated from the Xero blog. The XU Hub is an independent news and media platform - for Xero users, by Xero users. Any content, imagery and associated links below are directly from Xero and not produced by the XU Hub.
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In early November we released our Third Generation Account Trees and we’ve had very positive response to the additional flexibility. But wait, there’s more! New in Calxa next week we’ll go one better and give you the ability to add KPIs to your Account Trees.

This upcoming release will also include a couple of much-requested report templates:

  1. Profit & Loss with Prior Period
  2. And, one with 2 prior periods.

KPIs Inserted as Rows will be New in Calxa

KPIs are important additions to your management reporting and embedding them within your reports will give them valuable context.

  • Show Income, Cost of Sales and then Gross Profit. Follow that with the Gross Profit percentage and you immediately provide better information to your audience.
  • Do your non-accountant board members struggle with the Balance Sheet reports? Insert some ratios to show working capital or the debt ratio and they’ll start to make more sense of them.
  • Add Debtor Days after your Accounts Receivable account to show what that number means.

KPIs are a great way to highlight information, to help people understand its importance. As a result, embedding them in your Account Trees gives you control over their placement, so you can group related information together.

Setting up KPI Rows in your Account Tree.

KPIs showing as Rows in your Reports.

What could you use KPIs for? Would they help you to communicate better with your audience?

Compare your Profit & Loss to Prior Periods

As we mention often, context adds meaning to your reports. After all, reporting just your Income Statement helps your reader compare Income to Cost of Sales, deduct Expenses and get the Net Profit. However, for many years we’ve given you the option to compare that to the budgeted numbers, for the month or year-to-date, or to compare to the previous year.

Apparently, you’ve told us, that’s not enough. Well, we’ve listened and voila ’New in Calxa’ 2 new P&L templates.

  1. The first has the option to compare to any prior period. This could be last month, last year, the beginning of the year, whatever you want.
  2. Now, the second has the option to compare to any 2 prior periods. So you could compare the current month to the previous month and the same month last year. You could compare it to the same month last year and the same month 3 years ago, when we barely knew what a pandemic was. The choice is now yours.

Why leave it there?

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